Mindful Coping And Cultivating An Adaptive Lifestyle

We are living through what is likely the most trying time of our lives with the Covid-19 pandemic.  This is not the only trial we are confronted with, as the upheaval caused by global warming is becoming even more evident.  Both of these conditions require a degree of equanimity and creative adaptation to successfully live through.  During this talk Peter described how meditation practices such as mindfulness of breathing, lovingkindness and the just posted Four Elements Contemplation can provide support for effective coping, using the Four Noble Truths as the conceptual structure for discussing the significant changes we must make in redefining what constitutes a good life, differing in several ways from the consumerism that is the characteristic conditioning in this culture.  During the talk Peter described the importance of a book entitled “Voluntary Simplicity: Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich”  by Duane Elgin in shaping his understanding and growth towards a good life.  It can be found on Amazon as a revised edition.  It is also useful to go to a site like http://simplicitycollective.com/start-here/what-is-voluntary-simplicity-2  to get more information.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  MINDFUL COPING AND CULTIVATING AN ADAPTIVE LIFESTYLE



Guided Energy Awakening Factor Meditation

This contemplation focuses attention on how the energy of attention is managed in the mind’s creation of a self.  During the meditation, Peter suggests how mindfulness and investigation are associated with the energy awakening factor to reduce the likelihood that attention will be captured by any of the five hindrances, then applied to activate the remaining Awakening Factors, Joy, Tranquility, Concentration and Equanimity.


Understanding The Energy Awakening Factor June 24, 2020

During this talk Peter reviews Viriya, the Energy Awakening Factor, which, when combined with the Mindfulness and Investigation of Mental Phenomena Awakening Factors, coordinates and empowers the remaining 4 Awakening Factors.  Peter talked of the manifestation of Viriya as Right Effort in the Noble Eightfold Path, with four attributes: to deny unwholesome states, support the arising of wholesome states, enabling wholesome states to reach fulfillment and prevent the future arising of unwholesome states.  His review was followed by discussion of how participants can further understand and contemplate this quality of attention.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Energy Awakening Factor


Understanding NamaRupa

NamaRupa is an important concept in Buddhist psychology.  Nama represents the conditioning functions of the mind as Rupa, the experiencing of sensations is transformed into meaningful self-state organizations.  NamaRupa is another way to describe the Five Aggregates, that is, form (sensations, that is, Rupa), feelings, perceptions, mind conditioners and consciousness (These four represent the various categories of Nama).  During the talk, the importance of being mindfully aware of these different functions in order to not mistakenly believe that mental phenomena are inherently accurate representations of the objective world.  This awareness, when clearly established through the Seven Awakening Factors, (mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena, energy/persistent Right Effort, joyful engagement, tranquility, stability of focus and equanimity/internal balance), leads to Awakening.  Peter emphasized that on a mundane level, the ability to discern the difference between what is sensed and how the mind makes meaning regarding the sensation is a core skill for cognitive therapy, a frequent and reliable way to promote mental health.

Here are the notes prepared for this presentation:  Understanding NamaRupa

Next week’s talk will involve a guest speaker, Andy Quinn, who will facilitate a discussion of the important place women occupy in contemporary Western Buddhism as practitioners, teachers and authors.  During next week, Peter and other community members will be on the yearly one week retreat, which will be discussed during the following regular Wednesday night meeting.


Balancing Work And Home Life On The Eightfold Path

In this second of two talks focusing on how Buddhist principles and practices can support a balance in the energy required at work and the energy we all want to have at home, Peter emphasized the importance of integrating various strategies into daily work routines in order to avoid the “energy dumps” of resentment, overwork, relationship conflicts and commuting time so that there’s energy available to enj0y home life and find time and energy for spiritual development.  Next week’s topic will be how a benevolent lifestyle is manifested around issues of money management and material values.