by Mary Ann | Jun 17, 2012 | Study Resources
by Mitch Sullen
Peter’s recent dharma talk about bringing the kind of mindfulness we practice “on the cushion” into daily life was very timely for the Orlando Insight Meditation Group Book Club.
As our small group wraps up the 15-week review of Stephen Batchelor’s Buddhism Without Beliefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening
, another book has come into focus that also offers “a practical tool one might use to foster/nurture awakening now.” Living Meditation, Living Insight: The Path of Mindfulness In Daily Living by Dr. Thynn Thynn was originally self-published in 1992. Click here for a free download.
I invite anyone who has an interest in joining the OIMG Book Club to discuss this book to contact me by email or phone 407-529-5531 by Wednesday, June 27, 2012.
by Mary Ann | Jun 17, 2012 | Study Resources
Buddhism Without Beliefs: Chapters 9 – 12
Stephen Batchelor’s Buddhism Without Beliefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening
offers a practical, step-by-step tool for fostering/nurturing awakening now.
Below, OIMG Book Club members offer reflections on the insights they are experiencing from our weekly reviews of each chapter.
The Book Club members encourage, and are ready to support, additional book review groups.
by Mary Ann | May 24, 2012 | Study Resources
By Peter Carlson
When the future Buddha, Siddhatha Gotama, left his comfortable family life, his intention was not to start a religion. Setting aside the mythical cultural add-ons of later generations, there is no evidence that he consulted with the relevant religious authorities of the time, the Brahmans, in his quest. Embedded in the story is his preoccupation with the human problem of suffering. He, like Jesus of a later era, was considered first and foremost a healer, even to the use of diagnostic terms set out in Buddhist doctrine: what are the symptoms (1st Truth, suffering), what is the cause of the disease (2nd Truth, craving and clinging), what is the cure (3rd Truth, the release of craving and clinging that Nibbana represents), and the applied intervention (4th Truth, the Eightfold Path). The essential ingredient of the Eightfold Path is the cultivation of Panna, wisdom. (more…)
by Mary Ann | May 4, 2012 | Study Resources
Buddhism Without Beliefs: Chapters 5 – 8
Stephen Batchelor’s Buddhism Without Beliefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening
offers a practical, step-by-step tool for fostering/nurturing awakening now.
Below, OIMG Book Club members offer reflections on the insights they are experiencing from our weekly reviews of each chapter. (more…)