During this dialogue, Peter reviewed previous dialogues on The Power Of Commitment and the Five Precepts, hoping to foster a different perspective on the precepts.  In the history of Buddhism, the precepts are worded as “abstentions”, that is, behaviors that are to be avoided.  In this rendering, we are asked to consider positive aspects of them as commitments to manifest clear awareness (Right Understanding) and benevolent intentions (Right intentions).  In the course of the dialogue, participants were urged to realize that regular meditation practice is essential for the cultivation of the virtues that the precepts represent.  A one page summary reviewing the usefulness of working with the precepts as commitments is posted on the site for review.  Next week, the dialogue will begin to explore the practice of Right Mindfulness, which include the four foundations of mindfulness (satipatthana).

See also accompanying text: A New Approach to Fostering Buddhist Principles
