The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 2

This talk continues a review by April of the Seven Awakening Factors, focusing on how Mindfulness supports the full development of Tranquility, Concentration, and Equanimity.  The recording and notes from the previous presentation are found in the archives.  This talk includes questions and comments from those attending the meeting.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Orlando Insight Meditation The Seven Factors of Awakening part 2


Seven Awakening Factors Review, Part 1

During this talk, April provides her research and insights regarding the Seven Awakening Factors, emphasizing the importance of the factors of Mindfulness, Investigation of Dhammas, Energy and Joy.  Investigation, Energy and Joy activate the Wholesome Mind Conditioning Factors, monitored by Mindfulness.  Next week’s talk will provide Part 2 of the review, focusing on the moderating Awakening Factors, Tranquility, Concentration, and Equanimity, once again monitored by mindfulness.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Orlando Insight The Seven Factors of Awakening


Buddhist Personality Theory, Part 2

This talk continues a review of what are called the cetasikas, which operate like filters during the process of self-formation, producing either wholesome or unwholesome self-state organizations.  The primary focus of attention and discussion during the talk are those cetasikas that form wholesome self-states.  There is particular attention given to the “Six Beautiful Pairs” of cetasikas that operate to produce the extraordinary qualities of attention, such as tranquility, lightness, pliancy, wieldiness, proficiency and uprightness in the mind that can be developed through persistent and skillful mindfulness of breathing meditation practice.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Buddhist Personality Theory Part Two

As was the case during the previous talk, here is a full listing of the 52 cetasikas:  CETASIKAS POSTER

The talk next week will begin a two-part review of the Seven Awakening Factors


Buddhist Personality Theory, Part One

The Five Aggregates can be considered as perhaps the first personality theory in human history.  During this talk and one the following week, Peter reviews the Mind Conditioning Factors Aggregate with a focus on the cetasikas, a comprehensive listing of the multitude of “filters” in the mind that work to create each moment of consciousness.  The first review will provide insight regarding those cetasikas that occur in every moment of consciousness, along with those that create suffering.

The next talk will continue the review, focusing again on the universal cetasikas and those that nurture the process of Awakening.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Buddhist Personality Theory–Part One

Here is one page document listing the cetasikas:  CETASIKAS POSTER
