It has become a tradition for the Orlando Insight Meditation Group Sangha to provide an opportunity for a member to “think out loud” about their recent retreat experience.  It is hoped that the review will provide the retreatant an opportunity to “connect the dots” regarding the retreat experience as well as providing insights and inspiration for others who contemplate a residential retreat.  In this talk, Will Lindemann reviews a 7-day self-retreat he sat through at a local retreat center.  He used the conceptual framework from the book “Satipatthana A Practice Guide”, by Analayo as the primary support for his practice.  He describes his understanding and application of the “Seven Contemplations” model that Analayo describes that he studied and practiced with during the retreat.  His review was followed by questions proposed by those attending the Zoom meeting.

Next week’s topic will be a review of Anatta, the Buddhist doctrine that deconstructs the view that there is an autonomous and enduring self; the review will include insights developed through current physical and psychological research that support the doctrine.
