This talk continues the series entitled “How Do You Want to Live?”, which began February 17, 2022.  “Right Relationship” is not a true Buddhist conceptual category, but is applicable to our lived experience.  At the beginning of the talk, a quote from the Suttas states that Sangha, meaning spiritual relationship, “is the whole of the of the holy life”, in the context of the Noble Eightfold Path’s conceptual understanding of how to live.  A similar concept from contemporary psychological research called Attachment Theory, is described as supportive of the Buddhist concept of Interdependence.  Peter describes some of the exercises he provided for clients as a psychotherapist regarding effective interpersonal communications that includes references to Mindfulness and emotional self-regulation to negotiate relationships successfully.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  MINDFULNESS AND RIGHT RELATIONSHIP

The topic for next week’s talk will be the benefits of mindfulness regarding good physical health.  We must be more proactive in regards to our physical health–otherwise, our health care system, already stressed, will be overwhelmed with patients whose conditions could be addressed to reduce the likelihood of illness.
