Just This is Buddha

by Robert Lockridge

These things are said:
Sitting Upright
Still and silent
Is Buddha.
Bowing fully,
Head on earth,
Hands open,
Is Buddha.
Hearing rhythm – tok tok –
Full voice rising in melody,
Is Buddha.
Heart opening is Buddha.
Heartbeat in chest,
Rising to throat,
Pounding in ears
Is Buddha.
Mind manifesting
Wisdom and compassion
Is Buddha.
Brought to our knees
By desire
Is Buddha.
Hope is Buddha.
Solace is Buddha.
Fear and trembling are Buddha.
So, what is Buddha?
One eminent teacher said,
“Shit on a stick.”
Another responded,
“Three pounds of flax.”
How is this helpful?
If great teachers differ,
How can we know?
Dryer hums in the laundry room ,
Cat purrs on lap.

loving truly is like a gentle breeze

by Robert Lockridge

loving truly is like a gentle breeze
across a cool lake
on a hot summer day
like deep samadhi in the middle
of the afternoon sitting time
like bright sunlight glistening on water droplets
dappling waxy green leaves
not getting anything
not holding anything
not making any point
or underscoring any meaning (more…)

Zen Poem

by Robert Lockridge

A true and complete person
Of no status or accomplishment
Practices moment to moment
Making bright light
And casting many shadows.

Gods, demons, and Buddhas arise.
Where is the human path?
If you push away desire and get free,
What is left?
Who am I?