Reviewing The Equanimity Awakening Factor

During this talk, Lezlie Laws reviews the seventh Awakening Factor, Equanimity, beginning with a very well-written essay by her describing the poise and dedication of a hawk living in New York City and raising chicks in the middle of the busy metropolis.  She speaks of how viewing a video about this hawk stirred her emotionally and connects the theme of the story and her experience with the Awakening Factor of Equanimity.  This is followed by her review of the traditional characteristics of the Equanimity Awakening Factor, which functions to bring balance to the other six factors and, therefore to the Awakening mind.  Several participants in the meeting then talk about their understanding of how the story and Equanimity applies to her or his life experience.

The topic for the next talk will summarize the fulfillment in the development of the elements found within the Four Foundations of Mindfulness through an explanation of how the Noble Eightfold Path becomes realized as the Noble Tenfold Path.


2023 Deerhaven Fall Post-Retreat Review

Following a long-established custom, this meeting is focused on providing opportunities for those who attended the annual Deerhaven one-week residential retreat to review their experience.  Due to the occurrence of the meeting on Thanksgiving Eve, only 3 of the 14 who attended the retreat are present to talk of their experiences and insights.

Next week’s talk will focus on bring Buddhist principles and practices to the holiday season, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve.


Giving Presence Over The Holidays

This talk provides a brief overview of traditional American holidays from Halloween through New Year’s Eve, from their origins centuries ago up to how current consumerism and social conflict has created a stressful and potentially damaging series of events during the Fall and early Winter periods.  The overview is followed by a review of a Buddhist “decision tree” process called “The Four Clear Comprehensions” that provides a way to integrate mindfulness and Right Effort to realize appropriate goals for gift giving that don’t disrupt the principles of Right Speech/Action/Livelihood.  The review is followed by a dialogue between Peter and a few of the participants to illustrate how this decision-making process works.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk, which includes a description of The Four Clear Comprehensions:  Giving Presence Over The Holidays

The talk for next week will provide a review of the basics of mindfulness practices.


Guided Dependent Origination Contemplation

This guided meditation is intended to accompany the Dharma talk of February 14, 2024 that focuses on the important Buddhist concept of paticca samuppada, dependent origination.  During the meditation, it is suggested the meditator investigate how the mind is drawn away from the neutral feeling tone associated with breath sensations by craving and clinging, creating the unwholesome karmic experience of dukkha.  When a person can accept a feeling, either pleasant or unpleasant, as just an impersonal condition of the mind, new karma is formed that furthers the process of Awakening.
