Why We Meditate

During this talk, Peter provided the participants with a worksheet:  MOTIVATIONS FOR MEDITATION.  On this sheet, folks were invited to note three considerations: the benefits of meditation, ways to reinforce commitments to daily meditation practice, and ways to integrate those benefits into daily life routines.  Peter then talked of his experience in regards to these considerations:  PETER’S MOTIVATIONS FOR MEDITATION.  This was accompanied by discussions among the participants regarding these topics.  You are invited to download the worksheet and create your own notes, perhaps discussing them with other like-minded people (See comments on “accountability partner’s” in Peter’s Motivations document).

Next week’s discussion will address the fundamentals of mindfulness of breathing practice, including some of the suggestions offered in the book “The Mind Illuminated”, along with Peter’s practice experience during 35 years of practice.


Cultivating Wholesome Emergent Self States

This talk follows on the preceding exploration of paticca sammupada, traditionally translated as dependent origination, a foundational concept of Buddhist liberation practices.  During the previous talk, the organization of the 12 elements of the process of “selfing” was described, using non-linear terms.  This talk reviewed the 12 elements, emphasizing how clear awareness of the transition from unprocessed sensory data through the mental conditioners to the misperception of an enduring, separate self can be resolved.  The resolution emerges through mindful, non-reactive awareness of feelings and perceptions as just phenomena, not constituting an enduring self.  During the discussion period, two levels of awakening were described: personal/psychological, and ultimate/spiritual.

Those interested in further study of this talk should go to the prior talk entitled “How Selfing Operates August 24 2016 and download the two .doc files on paticca sammupada and cetasikas.

Next week’s discussion will begin to elaborate understanding regarding the cetasikas, the categories withing which personal karmic potential are organized, with an emphasis on how this understanding can support the process of awakening.

Seven Awakening Factors, December 9, 2020

This talk reviews the Seven Awakening Factors: Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Energy/Effort, Joy/Enthusiastic Interest, Tranquility, Concentration/Stability of Attention and Equipoise/Balance of Factors.  Each factor is briefly reviewed, describing its characteristics and function.  The intention originally was to include a review of the Progressions of Insight, a Theravadin system for identifying states of mind that are increasingly subtle, oriented toward realizing directly the characteristics of impermanence (anicca), the absence of an enduring/autonomous self (anatta), and the distress and confusion that results from the mind’s subjugation by craving and clinging (dukkha).  Regrettably, due to the complexity of the reviews, there was insufficient time to adequately review the Progressions of Insight.  You are invited to download and review the extensive notes regarding the Seven Awakening Factors and the Progressions of Insight prepared for this talk in order to more fully comprehend these important concepts that allow the mind to be liberated, with the potential for realizing the ultimate attainment, Nirvana.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Cultivating The Factors For Awakening


Reviewing Contingent Provisional Emergence

This talk provides a thorough review of the core Buddhist concept Paticca Samuppada, typically translated as Dependent Origination.  A different rendering of the concept is provided, including reference to a contemporary concept, complexity theory which led to the term Contingent Provisional Emergence.  The Theravadin tradition describes 12 elements to the concept and each is reviewed, with emphasis on the nonlinear aspects of how the moment-by-moment process of self organization operates.

This talk can be accompanied by: “Guided Investigating Feelings Meditation”, found in the archives, to reinforce the importance of mindfulness of feelings to realize the potential of the paticca samuppada concept.

Here are the extensive notes prepared for this talk; it is recommended to download and read them to more thoroughly understand the concept:  Contingent Provisional Emergence Review



Cultivating A Compassionate Relationship

This discussion continues to explore the application of mindfulness and compassion to interpersonal conflict resolution.  Peter introduced some points from the website metta.org focused on procedures developed in Gregory Kramer’s book “Insight Dialogue-The Interpersonal Path to Freedom”.  Kramer’s work closely parallels what has been explored in previous discussions on this topic, in this case specifically related to fostering close relationships in the context of current political conflicts.  These approaches were also related to discussions in previous meetings of the Tibetan Buddhist lojong mind training and conflict resolution.

Here is the handout downloaded from the metta.org website that Peter distributed to those who attended the meeting:  GREGORY KRAMER INSIGHT DIALOGUE GUIDELINES