Review of Four Foundations

This talk begins an in-depth review of the Satipatthana Sutta, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse.  Analayo’s book “Satipatthana–The Direct Path To Realization” will be a primary resource for the series, supplemented by observations drawn from contemporary neuroscientific and psychological research that validate what is in the sutta.  This discussion focuses on the Definitions relating to what Analayo calls the satipatthana refraincontemplation, diligence, clear awareness, mindfulness and freedom from distress and confusion regarding the world.  These terms are repeated throughout the Sutta in each of the Four Foundations.  There was discussion after the presentation regarding how to use the elements of the refrain to address sadness while meditating.

There is a guided meditation entitled “Guided Four Foundations Meditation” in the Archives that was presented previous to this talk.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  What Is Satipatthana

Next week’s topic will be the importance of mindfulness of breathing to cultivate the four foundations.


Breath Awareness For Quieting The Mind

This talk continues an extensive review of the Satipatthana Sutta, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse.  The focus for this review is on how anapanasati, mindfulness of breathing meditation, can be developed in two ways to foster insight into the conditioned nature of the mind: Through exclusive focus on breath sensations leading to jhana (a highly developed state of awareness that is hard to achieve) followed by insight practices, and through what is called “dry vipassana”, which uses mindfulness of breathing for concentrating the mind for a more inclusive cultivation of insight.  There is an accompanying guided meditation, “Guided Anapanasati Meditation” which was recorded the same evening, June 2, 2021, and which can be found in the Archives.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Breath Awareness for Quieting the Mind

Next week’s topic will focus on Mindfulness in the Four Postures and Clear Knowledge In Regards To Activities, sections of the First Foundation of Mindfulness.



Setting Aside Sloth And Torpor

This talk is a review regarding how to identify the characteristics of thina-middha, the hindrance of sloth and torpor, one of the contemplations in the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness.  This quality of diminished alertness and attention is in contrast to the fourth of the five hindrances, restlessness and worry, the topic of the next talk.  Sloth and torpor represent an overactive parasympathetic nervous system in the body, while restlessness and worry represent an overactive sympathetic nervous system function.  Various lifestyle issues that contribute to this hindrance are reviewed as well as ways to use diligent, mindful and clear knowledge of the flow of subjective experience to set its influence aside.  It is intended to be accompanied by “Guided Sloth And Torpor Contemplation”, recorded just prior to this talk on July 21, 2021, posted in the archives.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Setting Aside Dullness In The Mind

The topic for next week’s review is the hindrance Restlessness And Worry.


Cultivating An Intentional Life

This last Dharma talk of 2021 builds on the previous week’s review, “Working With Intentions”, recorded on December 5th, 2021.  That talk emphasizes the core importance of intention, which can be associated with wholesomeness or unwholesomeness, depending upon the other conditioning factors involved.  This talk expands that view to include how we value what is important in life and whether the valued goals that we seek to realize are manifesting a life that is truly valuable from the Buddhist perspective of Virtue–Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood.  The Buddhist concept of Four Clear Comprehensions, combined with Right Mindfulness and Right Effort can be applied in various areas on one’s life: physical health and well-being, finances, relationships and the environment, the goal being a life that is healthy, financially secure, socially engaged and environmentally sound.  The goal of cultivating a well-integrated personality with a wholesome lifestyle creates the conditions that promote the process of spiritual Awakening.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Cultivating An Intentional Life

There will not be another meeting or posting until January 5, 2022, as Peter will be on his annual 2-week self-retreat; the topic of the January 5th meeting will be a review of that retreat experience.


2023 Deerhaven Fall Retreat–Self-State Integration To Self-State Liberation

This talk provides a way to understand how one’s self-experience develops from what is termed “self-state conflict” through “self-state integration”, leading to “self-state liberation”.  We all experience conflict between how socially conditioned ideals of oneself and the world are conflicted, and how diligent, mindful, and clear knowing of Buddhist principles and practices cultivates an integrative process of personality organization–“good mental health”– and how this sets the conditions for spiritual Awakening.


Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Self-State Integration And The Awakening Process
