Satipatthana-Mindfulness of Breathing

—In this dialogue, Judy presented two translations of the beginning of the Satipatthana Sutta, usually translated as The Four Foundation of Mindfulness, and then explained how important it is to practice mindfulness of breathing meditation in order to understand the first section, mindfulness of the body.  During the talk, she invited the sangha to briefly practice the progressive practices of mindfulness of breathing as described in the Sutta.  At the end of the evening, she stated her intention to continue the exploration of this primary teaching, relying to a great extent on the book Satipatthana-the Direct Path To Realization by Analayo, a German Buddhist monk.

[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/01/11130642/Satipatthana-Mindfulness of Breathing.mp3″ /]
