The Equanimity Awakening Factor July 3 2019

This topic reviews the fulfillment of the Seven Awakening Factors in the seventh of them, Upekkha Bojjhanga, the Equanimity Awakening Factor.  Upekkha doesn’t represent uncaring indifference but rather the ability to be aware of emotional responses to situations without being identified with them as a “self” and without being impulsively reactive.  The term upekkha is synonymous with tatramajjhattata, a Buddhist concept conveying the “finding the middle” balancing function that manifests when the Seven Awakening Factors are in optimal dynamic harmony: not too much or too little energy, with a balance that avoids rigid mental identification and complete skepticism.   The explanation was followed by vigorous discussion among those attending regarding the benefits of cultivating equanimity for everyday living in the workplace and parenting.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE EQUANIMITY AWAKENING FACTOR

Next week’s talk will review the fulfillment potential realized through mastery of mindfulness of breathing as described in the Anapanasati Sutta and will be the final discussion of this important Buddhist teaching.
