Mindful Coping With Pandemic Distress

This talk is meant to complement the talk on March 24, 2021 that focused on how the stress in 2020 from the pandemic created anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress or addiction problems for many people.  The focus for this talk is on how mindfulness of breathing meditation can be helpful in coping with the above mentioned conditions.  The presenter, Peter, has integrated mindfulness principles and practices into a 35-year career as a psychotherapist and addictions counselor.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Mindful Coping With Pandemic Distress

Here are notes to accompany the discussion of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, an effective way to address depression:  FIVE SCHEMA DOMAINS

Peter will be on a self-retreat from April 2-16; the next talk will be on April 21 and will involve a review of his retreat experience with the hope it will be informative for others who consider attending a residential retreat.  The Orlando Insight Meditation Group will produce a residential retreat at the Deerhaven Retreat Center in Lake County, at the southern border of the Ocala National Forest October 16-23, 2021, which will be led by Peter.
