Guided Non-Attachment and Non-Aversion Meditation

This training meditation focuses on two of the Universal Wholesome Cetasikas, alobha (non-attachment) and adosa (non-aversion).  The meditation suggests how to use mindful investigation of the breath sensations to develop enough sensitivity of insight to observe the ephemeral, dreamlike and transitory nature of internal narratives, the “selfing story”.  This insight supports viewing the flow of subjective experience as an impersonal process, a natural phenomenon, not a self, and this skillful practice manifests as non-attachment.  The same approach of using mindful awareness of uncomfortable and unpleasant subjective experience as ephemeral and transitory leads to a non-reactive characteristic of subjective experience, non-aversion.  This meditation is meant to support the Dharma talk that was presented afterwards: “Reviewing Non-Attachment and Non-Aversion”.


Renunciation Exercise

This evening’s project is to use the worksheet attached below to list various beliefs, values and expectations we experience on a hierarchical scale, in order to practice noticing how craving and clinging occurs as well as how to activate and strengthen nekkhamma, renunciation, to free the mind from attachment to outcomes in daily life experience.

A significant portion of the evening’s discussion involved participants talking through the examples, while Peter commented on how that relates to renunciation.

Here is the worksheet developed for this exercise:  RENUNCIATION WORKSHEET

Peter will be away for a few weeks.  Various guest teachers will present their discussions over the next few meetings.  These talks will not be recorded for posting.  During Peter’s next talk on June 21, the Parami of Wisdom will be explored.
