The Dharma Of Commitment September 25 2019

The real benefits of mindfulness meditation are only realized through commitment; first to daily, diligent mindfulness of breathing (or lovingkindness) meditation, and then to the commitment to integrate the training results of such disciplined practice into daily life routines.  During this talk Peter recalled the development of his “Right Livelihood” practice during his 37 years of Buddhist mindfulness and lovingkindness practice supplemented by a repeated commitment: “I’m not going to stop until I have my life set up just the way I want it, no matter what happens…and this means _______”  This commitment is aligned with the topic of the recent talk of September 5th, focused  on Clear Comprehension as a decision-making process and emphasizes the importance of setting a commitment for “Right Livelihood” through the actions suggested with “…and this means_____”.  This description was followed by a lively discussion among those present regarding the potential benefits of applying the suggested commitment.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Dharma Of Commitment
