Buddhism Politics And Nonself

This week’s talk continues to explore how Buddhist principles and practices can support developing wisdom in the current political environment.  Racism, sexism, homophobia and ethnophobia were described as themes woven into the fabric of political divisiveness.  The intention regarding this presentation is to support being able to stay presently aware and compassionate when confronted by political “true believers” and prejudicial beliefs in either political party.  A model for this practice is found in the Tibetan practice called “Lojong Mind Training”, the core of which is the practice of compassion.

The cultivation of mental clarity and emotional non-reactivity through regular meditation practice was emphasized; this provides the foundation for compassion, transforming fear-based contentiousness into compassionate interpersonal dialogue.

Peter reviewed some of the pertinent lojong training aphorisms to foster discussion about how these practices can be applied during our social encounters.

Here are the notes prepared for this discussion:  BUDDHISM POLITICS AND NONSELF

Here is the document prepared by Peter previously to provide a more modern rendering of lojong mind training:  Peter’s Lojong Practice Notes

Next week’s discussion will focus on conflict resolution dialogue and strategies, supported by the training provided by routine mindfulness and lovingkindness practices.
