by Peter Carlson | Jan 16, 2014 | Listen to Dharma Talks
During this talk, Peter described Paticca Samupadda, usually translated as the principle of Dependent Origination. This is one of the core concepts of Buddhism, as it explains how the dynamics of self formation and dissolution operate. Emphasis was placed on understanding that being able to directly experience feeling as feeling (the second of the four foundations of mindfulness) interrupts the formation and operation of craving and clinging, and that these functions are core to the problem of suffering. Feeling brings resolution to this problem, and is why so much emphasis is placed on body awareness, particularly on strongly pleasant or unpleasant feelings in a non-reactive way.
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by Peter Carlson | Jul 4, 2013 | Listen to Dharma Talks
During this talk, Kitty explored the complexity of relationships that are inherent to reality and to human experience. Since this talk occurred on the eve of American Independence Day, Kitty commented upon how dependent the colonists in rebellion were to the influence of France, Spain and the Netherlands during the American Revolution. She pointed out how complex our food chain is, and how interrelated the transportation systems are, including the raw materials, manufacture and distribution of cars, highways and so on. This complexity was related to the Buddhist concept of dependent origination in terms of how we experience life, and how our notion of isolation is a misperception, because we require human interactions from birth through life. This was followed by discussion and dialogue.
[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/07/11130452/Interdependence-Day-2013.mp3″ /]
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by Peter Carlson | Feb 26, 2013 | Listen to Dharma Talks
During this rather extensive Dhamma talk, Peter reviewed the concept of paticca sammupada, usually translated as dependent origination. He explained why he prefers to name the process “contingent provisional emergence”. This concept is key to the Buddhist understanding of karma, the law of cause and effect. The formation of a momentary self-state, it’s fulfillment as a moment of “selfing” in awareness, then the dissolution of that composite of conditioning factors was described in depth. Emphasis was placed on how important mindfulness of sense inputs is for the practice, and the critical emphasis placed on understanding the emerging self-state as provisional and the value of dispensing with unwholesome states as soon as possible. This furthers the process of personality integration, which is followed by nurturing wholesome states to fruition. The concepts of craving and clinging were described, with tanha, unquenchable thirst for craving and upadana, fuel or nutriment, for clinging. Peter described the “glue” of craving and clinging as raga, passion, heat or fire. The antidote for raga is viraga, dispassion, or the absence of fueling the fire. This was followed by a lively discussion of this process and it’s implications for alleviating distress.
[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/02/11130535/Third-Night-How-The Self-Is-Formed-Deformed-And-Reformed.mp3″ titles=”Third Night How The Self Is Formed Deformed And Reformed” /]
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by Peter Carlson | Jun 21, 2012 | Listen to Dharma Talks
During this dialogue, Tim explored the importance of paticca sammupada, typically translated as dependent origination. This core concept of the Buddha’s teachings describes how karma (past experience) shapes our perceptions and responses in current events, followed by our behavioral responses. After the karmic influence is enacted, the result (called vipakka) goes back into our memory banks until new circumstances occur that have enough potency to re-enact the karma. During the dialogue, Peter commented on how the process changed toward alleviating suffering when mindfulness monitors the emergence of the karmic influence, determines whether it’s wholesome or unwholesome, and responds accordingly to discard the unwholesome and enact wholesome actions.
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by Peter Carlson | May 24, 2012 | Listen to Dharma Talks
Following on last week’s dialogue, the Teacher’s Mentoring Group, which has been meeting weekly for several months, introduced themselves and provided comments about their current studies of Buddhist principles and practices. These individuals’ commitments to their spiritual path warrants the opportunity to share what they’ve gained from the practice. Peter commented on the reality that each generation must revisit and make real in their own lived experience the wisdom that the Buddha’s teachings offered, and that his teaching over the last 20 years or so played a significant role in deepening his practice. These teachers, with Peter’s support, will be offering dhamma dialogues off and on during the summer, and will be delivering the dhamma talks while he’s away on his three month retreat this Fall. Next week, Kitty will lead a dialogue about how essential regular sitting practice has been for her spiritual development, and the week after that Rose will facilitate exploring the value of taking refuge, especially as related to Sangha.

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