Overview of the Four Noble Truths

This talk presents a broad review of a core concept within all the Buddhist traditions, the Four Noble Truths.  Peter talks about how the concepts of dukkha, craving and clinging, freedom from dukkha and the Noble Eightfold Path provide an an integrated way to understand the human condition, along with the ways and means to foster spiritual growth, a capacity that is sorely needed in these stressful times.  Included are several questions and insights posed by the participants.

This overview is intended to begin a long series of more in-depth reviews that provide insights into each of the Four Noble Truths that will continue throughout the year.  Next week’s talk will review the nature of dukkha, the primary focus of attention within the First Noble Truth.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS CONCEPT


Four Noble Truths Introduction 2013

During this talk, Peter introduces a long-term project, to revisit the Four Noble Truths concept from the perspective of the 21st century.  Much of the Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta (the first teaching of the Buddha after enlightenment) contains cultural add-ons that were accumulated as Buddhism competed with Brahmanism over the centuries before it was written down.  Our current intention is to seek out the core concepts that are truly universal in application, supporting them with recent research that validates those concepts.

[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/01/11130649/Four Noble Truths Introduction 2013.mp3″ titles=”The Noble Truths Introduction” /]
