by Peter Carlson | Apr 22, 2015 | Study Resources
These notes were written by Peter in preparation for the talks presented over the last several weeks. The fourth tetrad of the sutta provides training for the practice of vipassana (insight), emphasizing awareness of impermanence, dispassion, liberation and letting go. Here are the notes: ANAPANASATI SUTTA FOURTH TETRAD
The next recording posted will review all four tetrads as representative of the four foundations of mindfulness.
by Peter Carlson | Apr 9, 2015 | Listen to Dharma Talks
This talk was recorded on April 8, 2015, and is the follow-up on the talk entitled “Anapanasati And Anicca April 1 2015. During this talk, Peter described how mindfulness of the arising and passing away of mental fabrications leads naturally to a sense of decreased “energy” or “thirst” regarding craving and clinging. Peter also emphasized how important samadhi/passadhi (concentration/tranquility) are to “draining away:” the potency of craving. This was followed by a lively discussion of how to cultivate dispassion. During next week’s talk, the topic of cessation will be explored as part of the Fourth Tetrad of the Anapanasati Sutta.