The Unwholesomeness Of Desire August 26, 2020

This is another in a series of reviews of the cetasikas, categories within which are found those factors that condition the mind.  The topic for this talk focuses on three of the Unwholesome Particular Cetasikas: Desire, Wrong View and Conceit.  Each of the cetasikas is reviewed regarding their characteristics described in classic Buddhist commentaries, along with how they associate with others of the unwholesome cetasikas to create distress and confusion in the mind–dukkha.  Desire is described as the effect of Ignorance (The chief unwholesome cetasika) on pleasant feeling, which becomes craving.  Wrong View, when combined with Delusion (synonymous with Ignorance), becomes clinging, and these two creates a false view–of an enduring, autonomous self.  This manifests Conceit, which is the self-centeredness that is the result of craving and clinging, that is, dukkha.  These conditions are described in the context of current social unrest and ecological irresponsibility, using contemporary psychological research and terminology.  Antidotes for these mind conditioning functions are also suggested during the talk.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Unwholesomeness of Desire

The talk next week will focus on three more of the Unwholesome Particular Cetasikas, Aversion, Envy and Stinginess.


The Nature Of Craving

During this talk, Peter reviewed the classic Buddhist concepts of craving and clinging in the context of the Second Noble Truth.  Special emphasis was placed on the insights of modern neuropsychological research that relates Buddhist notions of craving to the experience of addictive craving.  The three aspects of spiritual progress were reviewed as well: craving and clinging are to be understood conceptually, brought directly into mindful awareness, and noting and renouncing craving and clinging is to be mastered.  Next week, Peter will continue to explore the nature of the Second Noble Truth as regards clinging.

[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/03/11130521/The Nature Of Craving.mp3″ /]