Guided Cultivating Mindfulness With Confidence Meditation

This meditation focuses on the first two of the listed “Universal Wholesome Cetasikas”, Confidence and Mindfulness, in the complete list of 52 cetasikas found in Buddhist commentaries.  The emphasis during this training exercise is on diligent and persistently mindful attention focused on the sensations noticed while practicing mindfulness of breathing meditation.  The commentaries state that when mindfulness is present in each moment of self-formation, there will be no dukkha, that is, no distress and confusion.  It is suggested that each time the attention becomes “enchanted” with a thought process through craving and clinging, intentionally becoming mindful of that process as impersonal and conditional will intervene in the craving and clinging.  This intervention, combined with redirecting attention back to the breath sensations, will release the mind from dukkha.  As this practice becomes more repeatable and routine over time, the wholesome cetasika of confidence will be strengthened, with great benefit.  This meditation is intended to accompany studying the talk entitled “Mindfulness and Confidence”, recorded the same day, after this meditation.
