Guided Walking Meditation

This guided meditation was recorded on January 10, 2015 during a one day mindfulness retreat led by Peter.  During the recording, two alternative walking meditations were described: walking with breath awareness and walking tracking the changing sensations noted in the soles of the feet.  Both were described as ways to cultivate mindfulness of intentionality, that is, the ability to notice the emerging processes as sensation (touch, sound, sight, etc.) is transformed through feeling/perception into “self” organizations as a result of craving/clinging.  This awareness is combined with the ability to cultivate the intention to disregard any emerging “selfing story” through the use of physical sensation as a strategy for interrupting the emerging process of craving/clinging.

Practice Questions

During this talk, Peter answered questions from the sangha members attending the meeting, with an emphasis on practical applications of mindfulness meditation to daily life routines, particularly the benefits of slow walking meditation.

Next week’s talk is on Thanksgiving Eve, so the dialogue will focus on gratitude, from the perspective of both receiving and giving.