This talk provides a review of the Mindfulness of Breathing Discourse, the focus of a recently-completed course Peter participated in that used Analayo’s “Mindfulness of Breathing”.  The Anapanasati Sutta is one of the core teachings of Theravada Buddhism and the meetings of the course helped validate some meditative insights emerging from his practice.  The 16 steps of the sutta are reviewed and related to an .mp3 recording of the “Guided 16 Step Anapanasati Contemplation” that Peter provided prior to this meeting–it is posted within the “Guided Meditation” page of the website.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  OVERVIEW OF THE ANAPANASATI SUTTA

Here is Analayo’s translation of the Anapanasati Sutta:  Anapanasati Sutta translated by Analayo
