2025 Deerhaven Retreat Review

It has been the policy of the Orlando Insight Meditation Group to dedicate a meeting following a significant retreat experience to allow those who attended a retreat to “think out loud” about their experience in front of a supportive audience.  This provides an opportunity for those talking to “connect the dots” about the experience, as well as informing and inspiring others to consider attending a retreat.  This talk is exceptional, as several participants reviewed the Deerhaven retreat, while another person, Ashley, who attended a retreat organized through the Goenka tradition of body scanning practices, shared her experience.


2025 Deerhaven Retreat 7th Night Nurturing Awakening at Home

This final Dharma talk of the retreat provides suggestions for developing the themes and practices presented during the retreat at home, including cultivating a lifestyle that counters any cultural conditioning that reinforces unnecessary distress and confusion.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  NURTURING AWAKENING AT HOME


2025 Deerhaven Retreat 6th Night–Integration and Liberation

During this talk, Peter describes how applying the principles and practices associated with being “diligent, mindful, clearly knowing” presented earlier in the retreat supports a beneficial progression from self-state conflict through self-state integration towards self-state liberation.  Self-state conflict represents the inescapable difference between how the selfing process idealizes oneself, others and the world and what actually happens, creating ongoing distress and confusion.  Self-state integration represents the way that the diligent cultivation of vipassana supports a more realistic and adaptable way of living.  This creates the basis for the cultivation of elf-state liberation, which develops the capacity for full Awakening.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  INTEGRATING AND LIBERATING THE SELF


2025 Deerhaven Retreat 5th Night–Dependent Origination

This Buddhist concept describes how our subjective experience of self hood is created multiple times per second.  Contemplating this provides a way to “deconstruct” the belief that there is an enduring/autonomous self, and this understanding supports the process of Awakening.  Peter uses a different term than Dependent Origination–he calls it “Contingent Provisional Emergence” which provides a more contemporary psychological understanding regarding how the process operates.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Deerhaven 2025 Seven Awakening Factors
