Contemplating Thanks-Giving

This guided meditation revises the holiday of Thanksgiving through focusing on the interaction between gratitude (thanks) and generosity (giving), with emphasis on recognizing the physical and emotional components of gratitude.  Participants are invited to reflect on times when they experienced gratitude as a result of another person’s generosity, or through recalling an event when witnessing beauty or some other outstandingly beneficial event.  This contemplating is intended to complement the principles and practices described later in the meeting entitled “Thanks-Giving As A Contemplation”, also posted on the website.


The Art And Science Of Meditation

During this talk, April reviews how the cultivation of mindfulness can be understood as an art form that creates a more beautiful self-experience.  This is supported by contemporary research regarding how the hemispheres of the brain interact and how meditation training benefits the art of living.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Art and Science of Meditation


Attachment to Views

The Second Noble Truth describes attachment to views as a primary cause of dukkha, the experience of distress and confusion.  During this talk, Peter extends this understanding to review how the current circumstances of life–political divisiveness, the relentless demands of consumerism, and the increasing disruption of earth’s atmosphere–are challenging our views regarding what is considered to be a life well-lived.  He suggests how skillful application of the Four Noble Truths concepts and practices that focus on identifying and managing craving and clinging, the primary cause of unwholesome views, can foster effective adaptation to the changing values and beliefs of human culture.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Attachment to Views
