Dhamma Talks
Salayatana, The Six Sense Bases, May 20, 2020
This talk focuses on reviewing Salayatana (sah-lah-yah-tuh-nah), the Six Sense Bases, a concept for contemplation found in the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness: the eyes and seeing, ears and hearing, nose and smelling, tongue and tasting, reflected in the mind with...
Guided Guarding The Sense Doors Meditation
This meditation focused attention on how to contemplate Salayatana, the Six Sense Bases, a category within the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness. The primary sense bases are the eyes and seeing, ears and hearing, tongue and tasting, body sensations and the mind with...
Setting Aside Skeptical Doubt May 13 2020
During this talk, Peter described the nature of one of the Five Hindrances, vicikiccha, translated as skeptical doubt. This hindrance interferes with the ability to cultivate confidence in the principles and practices of Buddhism, either by doubting the concepts or...
Guided Looking Closer Meditation
There are two initial stages in the practice of mindfulness of breathing meditation: persistently maintaining present-moment awareness of the in- and out-breath, followed by increasing investigation of phenomena that emerge into awareness during the breathing cycle. ...
Notes For Overcoming Sloth/Torpor and Restlessness/Worry May 6 2020
This is the second of three planned reviews of the Five Hindrances, which are the initial focus for contemplation in the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness Discourse. Peter described the Buddhist concepts of Thina/Middha (tee-nah/mih-dah), Sloth/Torpor and...
Knowing The Breath Body Meditation
This meditation focuses on practicing satisampajjana (sah-tee-sahm-puh-jahn-yah), mindful clear comprehension, alternatively termed knowing, which is part of the First Foundation of Mindfulness. It is reflected as "Breathing in long, he knows 'I breath in long'", and...
Overcoming Sense Desire And Ill-Will April 29 2020
This talk is the first of a series of reviews of the contents of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, Dhammanupassana (Dah-mah-noo-pah-suh-nah), Mindfulness of Mental Phenomena. The primary focus of this talk is the first two of the Five Hindrances, Sense Desire and...
Understanding Impermanence Meditation
One of the three characteristics of human life is the transient nature of our subjective experience. In Buddhism this is called anicca (ah-nee-chah) and a goal of mindfulness meditation practice is to be able to monitor the changing nature of sensations, feelings and...
Cultivating A Wise Mind April 22, 2020
This talk was preceded by the "Guided Mindfulness of the Mind Meditation", which can be found in the Audio section of the website. The focus of this talk is a review of the Third Foundation of Mindfulness, Cittanupassana (chee-tah-noo-pah-suh-nah), Mindfulness of the...
Guided Mindfulness Of The Mind Meditation
This meditation focuses attention on the Third Foundation of Mindfulness, Cittanupassana (chee-tah-noo-pah-suh-nah), Mindfulness of the Mind. The guided meditation builds attention through mindfulness of the body/breathing and mindfulness of feelings, the first two of...