Dhamma Talks
Deerhaven 2015 Eighth Night Dhamma Talk
The topic of this talk is "What Is Awakening?" During the talk, Peter emphasized that awakening is a process that is not a place or a definable experience, but can be known as meditation practice matures. Every time the mind turns away from unwholesome self-states...
Deerhaven 2015 Seventh Night Dhamma Talk
During this talk, Peter explains the "fulfilling of the seven factors of awakening", as described by the Anapanasati Sutta, quoting the translation by Gil Fronsdal. During the explanations, Peter used a graphic illustration of what are called the "panca bala", the...
Guided Body Sweep Head Arms And Legs
This recording is associated with the previously posted .mp3 file, "Deerhaven Sixth Night Dhamma Talk". It was recorded during a guided body sweep meditation, and included the parts of the body mentioned in the title. As mentioned previously, the purpose of this...
Deerhaven 2015 Sixth Night Dhamma Talk
This recording followed a guided body sweep meditation and provided an opportunity for the participants to discuss the experience and receive suggestions about their practice. Peter emphasized that the goal of this practice is to foster the maturing of vitakka and...
Deerhaven 2015 Fifth Night Dhamma Talk
During this dhamma talk, Peter described paticca sammupada, typically translated as dependent origination. Peter expressed a different view of this concept, calling the process contingent provisional emergence. This contemporary view applies understandings derived...
Deerhaven 2015 Fourth Night Dhamma Talk
During the fourth night talk, Peter described the "mind conditioners" that the Anapanasati Sutta trains to calm with mindfulness of breathing. He described the 14 wholesome conditioners, with particular attention to the "beautiful pairs" of conditioners (describing...
Deerhaven 2015 Third Night Dhamma Talk
During this talk, Peter described the Five Hindrances, the primary afflictions that distort our perceptions about reality. They are sense desire, aversion and ill-will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, and skeptical doubt. Peter described how, in the...
Deerhaven 2015 Second Night Dhamma Talk
During this talk, Peter read passages of the Anapanasati Sutta, the discourse on the practice of mindfulness of breathing. The passages referred to provide training for cultivating vitakka and vicara, aiming attention at the breath and sustaining that awareness. ...
Deerhaven First Night Dhamma Talk
During this talk, Peter spoke of the Buddhist tradition of the three refuges, Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, from a contemporary setting. Taking refuge means to allow the structure of the retreat to support the cultivation of mindfulness from waking up until sleeping. ...
Deerhaven 2015 Post Retreat Reviews
This meeting involved a review by some of the participants in the nine day retreat from March 13 to the 22nd. First Peter reviewed the structure of the course, which blended practices found in the Anapanasati Sutta (mindfulness of breathing discourse) and the...