Dhamma Talks

2014 Retreat Introductory Report

During this talk, the first night of the annual one week retreat, Peter revisited the meaning of "retreat", "the three refuges" and the concept of the precepts from a contemporary perspective.  The importance of silence was emphasized, both external and internal.  He...

Mindful Breathing And Insight

This Dhamma dialogue reviews three levels of awareness related to mindfulness of breathing and how they interact with the practice of vipassana, that is, insight into the impermanent and selfless nature of personal experience.  The first level is simply being aware...

Peter’s 2014 Year-end Retreat Report

As is the custom, this evening's talk is a review of Peter's two week self-retreat.  During the talk, he quoted from Achaan Chah: "Life brings suffering.  The untrained mind turns suffering into more suffering.  The trained mind turns suffering into the path that...

2013 Franciscan Retreat Review

It is our custom to dedicate the meeting after sangha members have participated in a significant retreat experience to talking about each person's insights and experience.  Peter briefly described the format of the retreat, which was progressively more intimate...

Why? How? Who?

Why do we practice meditation?  How do we practice meditation? Who practices meditation?  During this dialogue, these questions were explored by the sangha members, to increase practice skills and facilitate integrating these skills into daily life.  The final...

Thanksgiving 2013

It's our custom to devote the meeting on Thanksgiving Eve to shared experiences on how Buddhist practices foster gratitude, and how gratitude fosters generosity, which the Buddha regarded as the foremost of the qualities we develop as the awakening process unfolds. ...

Mindfulness of the Body

This talk focuses on the practice of Right Mindfulness in the Noble Eightfold Path discourse.  Peter emphasizes how finding a neutral feeling like breath awareness provides a stabilizing point of reference that can interrupt the escalation from an initial stimulus...

The Precepts As Commitments

During this dialogue, Peter reviewed previous dialogues on The Power Of Commitment and the Five Precepts, hoping to foster a different perspective on the precepts.  In the history of Buddhism, the precepts are worded as "abstentions", that is, behaviors that are to be...

Bok Tower Metta Retreat Report

It is our custom to provide some opportunity for most retreat participants to talk about their experience in the group, as this allows them the chance to "think out loud" with others who understand the retreat process.  This helps to integrate the experience and makes...