Dhamma Talks

Revisiting The Five Precepts

During this dialogue, the classical five precepts of Buddhist practice are reviewed, with an intention to explore their relevance in this culture, which is much more complex than that of the eras during which Buddhism was developed initially.  The core of the precepts...

The Power Of Commitment

During this dialogue, Peter reviewed how certain of the cetasikas (mind conditioning factors) can be associated with the word "commitment".  The purpose of these comparisons is to set the stage for revisiting the Buddhist precepts in order to understand the core...

Benevolent Effort

This dialogue initiates several discussions of the practice of Right Effort on the Eightfold Path.  During this talk, Peter described the classical rendering of the Four Noble Efforts, placed into the context of 21st century neuroscience.  He quoted the statements of...

Ecology and the Eightfold Path

During this dialogue, Peter described the extraordinary complexity of our material culture, compared to the time of the Buddha.  He also emphasized how easy it is to just think about pollution, global warming, and resource scarcity in the abstract, at a distance from...

Brian’s Retreat Report

It's our custom, after anyone has participated in a retreat, for the next meeting to be devoted to hearing a report about his or her retreat experience.  This process of "thinking out loud" about the retreat supports a further integration of the experience, during and...

Money And Value

This is the first of two talks focused on this topic.  In this era, money and material possessions seem to have overridden the value of personal relationships and self-care.  Peter facilitated a lively discussion of the confusion and distress surrounding the issues...

Balancing Work And Home Life

During this first of two talks, Peter and the assembled sangha members discussed the complications that arise in trying to balance work requirements and home life.  Peter described two boundary issues: internal boundaries and external boundaries, suggesting that much...

Relationships on the eightfold path

During this second talk on a Buddhist way to cultivated benevolent relationship, Peter related the eightfold path to developing the quality of relationships, which he terms "practicing relationship", from the most simple, as with a checkout clerk at a store, to the...