Dhamma Talks
Guided Contemplation Of Impermanence
This guided meditation focuses attention on how to mindfully investigate the transient nature of all subjective experience--of sensations, feelings, thoughts, and the characteristics of consciousness.
Guided Contemplation For Deepening Concentration
This meditation provides support for deepening the stability and tranquility of the mind through using breath/body awareness, with the intention to keep "letting go" and accepting whatever physical discomfort that might occur, while still going deeper.
Peter’s Jhana Retreat Report
After a significant retreat experience, participants have the opportunity to review what they learned during one of our meetings. Peter describes the retreat he just completed as one of the most significant of the more than 40 residential retreats he has attended. ...
Cultivating Jhana
Peter Carlson will be participating in a 10-day retreat soon that focuses on concentrating the mind to the level of experiencing jhana, an extraordinarily focused level of attention that is frequently described in the earliest Buddhist teachings. He talks about...
Dependent Origination And Emptiness
During this talk, Peter Carlson reviews the key Buddhist teaching on dependent origination as it is associated with another important concept, emptiness, which has frequently been misunderstood. During the discussion, contemporary scientific and psychological...
Realizing The Four Noble Truths
This talk by Peter Carlson thoroughly summarizes the last verse of the Satipatthana Sutta, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse, which describes how the Four Noble Truths are transformed by the effective coordinated functioning of the Seven Awakening Factors...
Reviewing The Equanimity Awakening Factor
During this talk, Lezlie Laws reviews the seventh Awakening Factor, Equanimity, beginning with a very well-written essay by her describing the poise and dedication of a hawk living in New York City and raising chicks in the middle of the busy metropolis. She speaks...
Retreat Review By Andy Quinn
It is customary for our Sangha meetings to provide an opportunity for someone who has participated in a recent residential retreat to "think out loud" about their experience. Much of the benefit of a retreat occurs outside of awareness, and an opportunity to talk...
Reviewing The Five Aggregates of Clinging
During this talk, Allie Vaknin describes the characteristics of the Five Aggregates of Clinging: Form, Feelings, Perceptions, Mind Conditioning Factors, all reflected in Consciousness. This review is supplemented by a posted recording titled "Guided Five Aggregates...
Reviewing the Five Hindrances
During this talk, Lezlie Laws initially provides an overview of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, Mindfulness of Mental Phenomena. She then describes how the Five Hindrances are recognized and effectively set aside. This talk also includes a period of time for...