Dhamma Talks

Reviewing Right Effort

Continuing a review of the Noble Eightfold Path, this talk focuses on Right Effort, emphasizing the importance of avoiding or letting go of unwholesome mind states and supporting the arising and fulfillment of wholesome mind states.  The teacher for this talk is...

Reviewing Right Livelihood

This talk, provided by April Koester, focuses on how virtue manifests as Right Livelihood. April discusses how Right Livelihood can guide us not only in our personal choice of vocation but how we interact with other businesses as a consumer, in addition to how we...

Reviewing Right Action

This talk, provided by Lili Fernandez, focuses on how virtue manifests as appropriate behavior, guided by the Five Precepts: Harmlessness, Not Speaking Falsely, Not Stealing, Avoiding Sexual Misconduct, and Avoiding Intoxication.  Lili describes the characteristics of...

Reviewing Virtue and Right Speech

This talk provides an overview of the Virtue Aggregate within the Noble Eightfold Path, followed by a review of Right Speech, the first of the three elements constituting virtue.  The review reflects the traditional characteristics of Right Speech as well as providing...

Reviewing Right Intention

As a review of the Noble Eightfold Path continues, Allie Vaknin provides insights about the characteristics of Right Intention: Renunciation, Kindness, and Non-Harmfulness.  During the talk, participants in the meeting are invited to provide examples of their own...

Reviewing Right Understanding

This talk continues reviewing the Four Noble Truths, beginning a series of talks focusing on the Fourth Noble Truth, emphasizing the first element of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Understanding.  The talk begins with  an overview of the conceptual benefits of the...

Reviewing The Third Noble Truth

The Third Noble Truth describes the fundamental intention and goal of Buddhist principles and practices--the release from the bonds of craving and clinging--total and direct knowledge that there is no enduring, autonomous self.  This talk reviews how...

Reviewing The Second Noble Truth

This review of the Second Noble Truth is presented by Lili Fernandez, one of the teachers who are being introduced to the Orlando Insight Meditation Group.  During this talk Lili describes the characteristics of craving and clinging, the two interactive elements that...

Peter’s April 2023 Retreat Review

This talk reviews a just completed 12 day self-retreat that focused on cultivating strong and persistent levels of focused intention in order to realized the potential of experiencing nimitta, mental phenomena that emerge in consciousness when the mind is almost...