Cultivating A Compassionate Relationship

This discussion continues to explore the application of mindfulness and compassion to interpersonal conflict resolution.  Peter introduced some points from the website focused on procedures developed in Gregory Kramer’s book “Insight Dialogue-The Interpersonal Path to Freedom”.  Kramer’s work closely parallels what has been explored in previous discussions on this topic, in this case specifically related to fostering close relationships in the context of current political conflicts.  These approaches were also related to discussions in previous meetings of the Tibetan Buddhist lojong mind training and conflict resolution.

Here is the handout downloaded from the website that Peter distributed to those who attended the meeting:  GREGORY KRAMER INSIGHT DIALOGUE GUIDELINES

Mindfulness And Relationships

During this talk, the Upaddha Sutta, Half (Of The Holy Life), was quoted, (translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu).  In the sutta, the Buddha tells Ananda, his personal attendant, that relationship is a core aspect of the practice of the Four Noble Truths.  Peter related this observation to current research which demonstrates that mindfulness of breathing meditation builds strength into the neural pathways associated with secure relationship bonds.  The actual practice of attending to the breath, checking divergent thoughts and regulating emotional reactivity was explained.  Daniel Goleman’s book “Social Intelligence” was also quoted to support this approach to relationship security.  This was followed by discussion of the topic.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:   MINDFULNESS AND RELATIONSHIPS

Next week’s topic will be “What Is The Self?”, which will explore what we call “ego” from a contemporary perspective.

Mindfulness And Emotional Intelligence

During this talk, Peter describes how mindfulness meditation supports the development of “Emotional Intelligence”, which is the title of a book written by Daniel Goleman.  Emotional intelligence provides internal resources such as self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation and empathy to foster social competency.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk: MINDFULNESS AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE

Next week’s talk will focus on how mindfulness effectively addresses the range of anxiety from restless agitation to panic attacks.

2016 Spring Bok Tower Retreat

After a retreat, we set aside one evening’s talk for reviewing the experience.  Much of what happens during a retreat is not clearly registered in the mind; talking about the retreat with well-informed people helps clarify the gains from the intensive practice and the skills gained are more generally accessible.  It is also often the case that those hearing of the benefits of retreat experience are inspired to participate in future retreats.

Recently Peter watched an episode of “Super Soul Sunday”, during which Oprah interviewed Daniel Goleman about “Emotional Intelligence”.  This inspired him to revisit the book, which will be the topic of next week’s Wednesday night meeting.

Why I Meditate

Since Peter plans to attend a retreat led by Steve Armstrong, and values the retreat experience, he described the life circumstances that prompted beginning to practice mindfulness meditation in 1982.  He then described the various meditation practices in other faith traditions around the world, citing Daniel Goleman’s book, “The Meditative Mind”.  Peter’s subjective experience regarding regular meditation practice and the benefits that build from repeated retreat experience were reviewed.

This was followed by the accounts of others attending the meeting regarding the benefits they experience as a result of meditation practice.

Here are the autobiographical notes prepared for the talk:  WHY I MEDITATE

Since Peter is on retreat next week, the talk will be given by Daniel Goleman, a member of the teacher’s mentoring group.  Daniel has been meditating for many years, and is also actively practicing hatha yoga.  His topic will be the integration of mindfulness and yoga, and he will be assisted by Mitch Sullen.