Contemplating Compassion With Equanimity

This talk reviews the characteristics of compassion from a Buddhist perspective, including the “near enemy” and “far enemy” of this manifestation of lovingkindness which is focused on relieving the mind from distress and confusion.  Compassion is described as the combined effects of cultivating the “hardwired” experience of empathy, supported by mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena, and Right Effort, and associated with equanimity, which provides a balanced manifestation of this wholesome state of mind.  Preceding this talk of August 14, 2024, Peter provides a guided meditation titled “Guided Compassion With Equanimity Contemplation”, the recording of which is posted within the Guided Meditations page of the website.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Integrating Compassion with Equanimity

The topic for the next meeting will provide a review regarding the integration of Sympathetic Joy with equanimity.  Sympathetic Joy describes  the empathetic enjoyment of the happiness and success of another, balanced by equanimity.


Guided Compassion With Equanimity Contemplation

This guided meditation provides support for identifying the characteristics of compassion as well as the “near enemy” and “far enemy” of this wholesome state of mind.  The training also suggests how to use mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena, and Right Effort to cultivate the balancing effect of equanimity, which functions to purify the benevolent intentions associated with compassion.

This meditation was recorded just prior to the Dharma talk presented on August 14, 2024, with the intention to provide opportunities to train the mind to be more able to apply what is reviewed during the talk.
