Reviewing The Six Sense Bases

This post reviews the Six Sense Bases: the eyes and seeing, the ears and hearing, the nose and smelling, the tongue and tasting, the sensations elsewhere in the body, along with the mind and consciousness.  During the talk, Peter Carlson focuses on the fetters, those manifestations of craving and clinging that the mind fabricates into the misconception that there is an enduring and autonomous self.  Investigation of and detachment from the fetters fosters the process of Awakening.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Working Through the Fetters

The next series of talks will provide reviews of the Seven Awakening Factors


Sense Bases and Fetters

This week we talked about how Buddhism considers the processing of the senses through the conditioning factors of the mind.  When the mind experiences the same patterns of resistance, craving and confusion repeatedly, they become deep-seated fetters, or binders to suffering.  The path to awakening involves starving these fetters, much as starving a weed eliminates it, rather than just cutting it off, allowing it to regrow.