Three Month Retreat Report By Robert

It is customary in our sangha to provide the opportunity for a person who just completed a significant retreat to “think out loud” about the retreat experience, as this supports integrating the deep changes retreats foster into regular life routines more effectively.  Robert just completed a three month retreat at the Providence Zen Center in Rhode Island.  He spoke of his experience, followed by a question and answer period.


Robert’s Zen Retreat Report

Robert just completed a one week self retreat at the Providence Zen Center.  It’s part of our practice to provide someone who has completed a significant retreat to process their experience during one of the dharma dialogues.  The value of this is to provide the participant to “think out loud” about his or her experience, as this supports integrating the deep changes that retreat provide with a more conscious clarity afterwards.  It also can inspire others to go on retreats as well, since this sort of intense training provides great benefit for the participants.

[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/04/11130519/Roberts Zen Retreat Report.mp3″ /]


Robert’s Zen Retreat

One of our more practiced Sangha members just completed a 20 day retreat in the Kwan Um school of Korean Zen in Providence, Rhode Island.  It is our custom to set aside time for dialogue whenever someone has completed a significant retreat, as talking about the experience solidifies the training and inspires the listeners to deepen their meditation practice.  We hope that those who listen to this will be more motivated to attend a long retreat.
