The Value Of Metta November 6 2019

This is the first of a series of talks about the Brahma Viharas, the Divine Abidings:  Metta (lovingkindness), Karuna (compassion), Mudita (sympathetic joy) and Upekkha (equanimity).  During the talk, which focused primarily on Metta, Peter read an excerpt from research published in 2010 that described the emotional and interpersonal benefits from cultivating positive emotions for the vagus nerve, an important nerve complex that connects the brain with the function of the heart and the intestinal wall.  This research suggests the benefits derived from Metta meditation.  Peter then described the evolution of his Metta practice, beginning in 1983 with a one-week retreat led by Sharon Salzberg, an authoritative teacher of Metta.  He talked of how important the words of the mantra are and the benefit of focusing attention on the “heart chakra” while practicing Metta, as this seems to involve the strengthening of “vagal tone”, the optimal balancing of energy transmission from the brain into the body and back again.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Value Of Metta  Here is a rendering of the Metta Sutta ( a translation of which was read by Peter during the talk), accompanied by Peter’s version of various levels of Metta mantra practice:  LOVINGKINDNESS MANTRA

The focus of next week’s talk will be the value of practicing Karuna, compassion.


Practice Questions II

During this dialogue, Peter described the basic principles and practices associated with cultivating lovingkindness, as a manifestation of the Noble Eightfold Path factor of Right Intention.  Following this, the practice of vipassana (insight) was described as the more mature application of the Seven Factors of Awakening.  The process of vipassana was then associated with the cultivation of lovingkindness, and, more particularly, with Tibetan Buddhist Lojong and Tonglen (compassion) practice.

Next week’s dialogue will provide participants with an opportunity to report on their retreat experience (There is a retreat December 5-7).  The comments of the participants help them review and integrate what was experienced during the retreat as well as providing inspiration for those who weren’t on the retreat to consider the benefits of the intensive practice experience.


Brahma Viharas

In this Dhamma talk, Judy explores the relationship between the Noble Eight-Fold Path and the Brahma Viharas, the Four Divine Abodes: Metta (lovingkindness), Karuna (compassion), Mudita (Joy), and Upekkha (equanimity).    She explains each of their major characteristics   and their “near” and “far” enemies, actions that seem similar but are not and their opposites  She also gives us ways to use these in our meditation practice.
