Overcoming Sense Desire And Ill-Will April 29 2020

This talk is the first of a series of reviews of the contents of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, Dhammanupassana (Dah-mah-noo-pah-suh-nah), Mindfulness of Mental Phenomena.  The primary focus of this talk is the first two of the Five Hindrances, Sense Desire and Aversion/Ill-Will.  Peter described how an initial sensory stimulus initiates a cascade of thoughts and feelings that “capture” a person’s attention, and because of ignorance about the changing and impersonal nature of thoughts and feelings, a self that is distressed and confused is experienced.  He referred to the guided meditation “Understanding Impermanence Meditation” that was just posted and can be found in the Audio archive as a beneficial way to interrupt the actions of the hindrances effectively.  He then talked about the characteristics of each of the two hindrances and strategies for setting them aside.  Overcoming sense desire and Aversion/Ill-Will are especially important considering the distress and confusion caused by the disruption of the pandemic.  Next week’s talk will focus on the next two of the Five Hindrances, Sloth/Torpor and Restlessness/Worry.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Setting Aside Sense Desire and Aversion.


Deerhaven 2016 Fourth Night Talk

The core mental conditions to foster liberation through the practice of vipassana are called the “Seven Factors For Awakening”: mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena, energy/effort, joy/enthusiastic interest, tranquility, concentration and equanimity.  This talk describes their functions in the process of awakening and how to cultivate them.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  BOJJHANGA-7 AWAKENING FACTORS










