Guided Letting Go Meditation

This recording focuses on letting go as part of effective meditation practice; various suggestions are offered periodically to foster relinquishing attachment to mental objects that arise as the result of craving and clinging.  One suggestion for practice is to recall the drag that is experienced when immersing the hand into a stream of water–you are encouraged to become clearly aware of the stress of clinging to a thought as being like the drag of the stream and to simply release that holding in the same way you remove your hand from resisting the stream.  There are reminders that there is no “drag” when attending to the breath sensations, and to notice the difference between the stress of craving and clinging compared to the ease of just observing the breath.


Notes For The Anapanasati Sutta Fourth Tetrad

These notes were written by Peter in preparation for the talks presented over the last several weeks.  The fourth tetrad of the sutta provides training for the practice of vipassana (insight), emphasizing awareness of impermanence, dispassion, liberation and letting go.  Here are the notes: ANAPANASATI SUTTA FOURTH TETRAD

The next recording posted will review all four tetrads as representative of the four foundations of mindfulness.

Liberating And Letting Go

During this talk, Peter continued to describe the elements of the fourth tetrad of the Anapanasati Sutta,  emphasizing the coordinating functions of examining impermanence, dispassion, cessation and renunciation through ongoing breath awareness. The process of awakening can be experienced on two levels: letting go of unwholesome self-states, and, ultimately, letting go of the process of craving and clinging.

Future discussions will describe how this integrating process fosters realizing the potential of the four foundations of mindfulness and the seven factors of awakening.