Benevolent Effort

This dialogue initiates several discussions of the practice of Right Effort on the Eightfold Path.  During this talk, Peter described the classical rendering of the Four Noble Efforts, placed into the context of 21st century neuroscience.  He quoted the statements of Dr. Dan Siegal, who describes the importance of integrating different neural pathways-emotional, cognitive and behavioral-in the process of transforming “energy into information”.  Peter then described the characteristics of the five hindrances of classical Buddhist teachings in the context of neural “dys-integration” as a way to understand the nature of suffering.  Next week’s planned dialogue focuses on revisiting the Buddhist precepts with contemporary terms such as “commitment”.

Wisdom In The 21st Century

Continuing with the theme of relating the teachings that can be understood and applied in our current era, Peter noted that current psychological research on characteristics of wisdom relate easily to the classical Buddhist doctrines of Wholesome Understanding and Wholesome Intentions (which he terms Clear Awareness and Benevolent Intention).

[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/06/11130457/Wisdom In The 21st Century.mp3″ /]

Awakening Investigation and Effort

Continuing the ongoing discussion of the Seven Factors of Awakening, this week the focus is on two of them: dhamma vicaya (Investigation of mind states) and viriya (Energy, or Right Effort).  Peter pointed out that investigation, effort and joy are energizing factors, while tranquility, concentration and equanimity are calming factors; mindfulness monitors their action and coordinates their mutual influence of each other.  Investigation and effort are linked to vitakka (bringing attention to a mind state) and vicara (sustained awareness of the mind state).  Right Effort is explained in terms of four applications, in order to eliminate the unwholesome mind states and maximize the ongoing effect of wholesome mind states.  The entire process is considered as the practical description of vipassana (insight into the true nature of reality).