The Mindfulness Awakening Factor May 1 2019

This talk continues a long series of discussions of the Anapanasati Sutta, the Mindfulness of Breathing Discourse.  The focus here is sati bojjhangha, the rmindfulness awakening factor, considered to be a primary element of the Seven Awakening Factors, monitoring and coordinating their function towards Awakening.  Peter described the various ways sati is described: the four foundations of mindfulness, right mindfulness, the power of mindfulness to overcome the hindrances and to foster the development of wholesome self-state organizing processes.  This was followed by a question and answer period to clarify the functions of mindfulness.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE MINDFULNESS AWAKENING FACTOR

Next week’s topic is Dhamma Vicaya Bojjhanga, the Investigation of Mental Phenomena Awakening Factor.


The Seven Awakening Factors Mindfulness August 1 2018

At this point on inquiry during these talks, the Satipatthana Sutta emphasizes the “development to fulfillment” of those qualities of mental formations that complete the process of Awakening:  Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Energy/Effort, Joy/Enthusiastic Interest, Tranquility, Concentration/Stability of Attention, and Equanimity/Balance of Mental Factors.

This evening’s discussion emphasizes the cultivation of Sati, Mindfulness, regarded as “the chief minister of the kingdom, who monitors governance of the kingdom and reports to the king”.  In this case, the king is vipassana, the intimate exploration of how the mind creates a self, in order to deconstruct that process, revealing the absence of an enduring and autonomous self.

This was followed by discussion regarding how mindfulness benefits daily life.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  CULTIVATING THE SEVEN AWAKENING FACTORS

Next week’s talk will focus on the second of the Awakening factors, Investigation of Mental Phenomena.


Fourth Night: Awakening Factors

During this extensive Dhamma talk, Peter described satibojjhanga, the seven awakening factors: mindfulness, investigation of phenomena, energy/effort, joy/enthusiastic engagement, tranquility, concentration and equanimity.  Once the five hindrances have been set aside, the cultivation of vipassana is furthered through the perfection of these factors.  Peter explained how the factors co-operate, that is the dynamic interaction between them.  Mindfulness is the factor that monitors the process, assuring the activating factors, tranquilizing factors, faith/confidence and investigation are in balance.  This balance is dynamic, constantly needing adjustment to accommodate fresh sensory input.  Joy and equanimity are byproducts of this balancing.   This was followed by another lively group discussion about how this works in experience.

[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/02/11130615/Fourth Night-Awakening Factors.mp3″ titles=”Fourth Night-Awakening Factors” /]