Seven Awakening Factors Review, Part 1

During this talk, April provides her research and insights regarding the Seven Awakening Factors, emphasizing the importance of the factors of Mindfulness, Investigation of Dhammas, Energy and Joy.  Investigation, Energy and Joy activate the Wholesome Mind Conditioning Factors, monitored by Mindfulness.  Next week’s talk will provide Part 2 of the review, focusing on the moderating Awakening Factors, Tranquility, Concentration, and Equanimity, once again monitored by mindfulness.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Orlando Insight The Seven Factors of Awakening


Reviewing The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 1

Once the mind has settled because the Five Hindrances have been conditionally disabled, the full realization of Awakening becomes possible because of the effect of the Seven Awakening Factors: Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Energy/Effort/ Persistence, Joy/Engaged Interest, Tranquility, Concentration/Unification and Equanimity/Balance.  This talk focuses on a review of the first three of the factors, the coordinated and integrated development of which enables the realization of the remaining four factors.  Upcoming talks will review the remaining factors.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE SEVEN FACTORS FOR AWAKENING Part One


The Tranquility Awakening Factor June 19 2019

During this discussion, emphasis was placed on how the Seven Awakening Factors are developed through the practice of mindfulness of breathing meditation.  Starting with the Awakening Factor of Mindfulness, Peter linked the other factors into the process of overcoming the Five Hindrances, eventually maturing into the cultivation of the Awakening Factors to maximize the benefits from the practice of vipassana (vee-pah-sah-nah).  Passadhi (pah-sah-dee) is typically translated as tranquility, and Peter suggested increased alertness regarding the experience of tranquility to avoid mistaking “subtle dullness”, a term developed by Culadasa in “The Mind Illuminated” as tranquility, manifesting a meditation that is “on cruise control”.  Without diligence, cultivating tranquility during mindfulness of breathing can induce a state of calmness that lacks the investigative characteristics necessary for the practice of vipassana, which is necessary to realize the full potential of the Seven Awakening Factors.  Peter also mentioned his preference to use the term samadhi/passadhi (concentration/tranquility) to describe the state of mind that is most supportive of vipassana practice.  This explanation was followed by some clarifying discussions about practical applications of the information regarding tranquility.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE TRANQUILITY AWAKENING FACTOR

Next week’s talk will focus on samadhi, the concentration Awakening Factor.
