Reviewing The Six Sense Bases

A subtitle for this talk might be “How What Is Seen Becomes The Self”.  During the talk, Peter describes the functions of the mind that create a self out of what is seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched and remembered through what are called “fetters”–the effect of craving and clinging that binds awareness into “myself”.  The cultivation of mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena and Right Effort develops the ability to become clearly aware of this binding effect and gradually diminish the power of craving and clinging.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Understanding the Fetters


Mindfulness Of Mental Phenomena

This talk begins several weeks of exploration of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, dhammanupassana.  During the discussion, Peter pointed out that Mindfulness of the Body and of Feelings are projected onto the Third Foundation, that of consciousness, and that the culminating practice of this teaching is to notice the interactions between the foundations, Mindfulness of Mental Phenomena. He also suggested that the word “dhamma” conveys something static, a thing; however, a dhamma is transient, lasting a fraction of a second, and therefore is best considered as a dynamic process that commingles the four foundations.  During the next several weeks, the dhamma called the five hindrances, the dhamma called the five aggregates, the dhamma called the six sense bases (which he terms “the six sense functions”, the dhamma of the seven awakening factors, and the dhamma called the full realization of the Four Noble Truths (which he called the Four Ennobling Truths) will be explored.