Awakening With Tranquility July 8, 2020

This talk reviews passadhi bojjhanga (pah-sah-dee bow-jahn-gah), the Tranquility Awakening Factor.  This factor is closely cooperative with the remaining two Awakening Factors, Concentration and Equanimity.  Tranquility is an antidote for the hindrance of restlessness and worry, and can be experienced with practice as a quality of expansiveness in the mind that is less affected by craving and clinging.  During the talk Peter described various meditation practices and lifestyle activities that support the quality of tranquility and further the process of liberation from dukkha, distress and confusion.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE TRANQUILITY AWAKENING FACTOR


Guided Contemplation of Dukkha

This meditation focuses attention on the second of the three characteristics of subjective reality, Dukkha, distress and confusion. You are invited to cultivate anicca, the transitory nature of self-experience through mindfulness of breathing meditation.  This awareness is brought to the experience of dukkha to notice the changing nature of distress in the body along with emotional distress.  The primary focus of attention in this practice is cultivating an active and investigative quality of attention regarding breath sensations. The goal of the practice is to become detached from the emerging narrative that seems self-defining, thereby draining the impact of distress and bringing clarity to the mind.  As this practice matures, the fabricated nature of the selfing process becomes more realizable, supporting liberation from the misconception of an enduring, autonomous self.


Guided Tranquility Awakening Factor Meditation

This Meditation contemplates the Awakening Factor of passadhi, tranquility of mind and mental conditioners.  During the contemplation, you are invited to investigate the “tight, disturbed” quality of attention that occurs when the mind is caught up in any of the five hindrances, contrasting this experience with the openness and clarity of attention that occurs when the mind is investigating mindfulness of breathing.  Tranquility is the antidote for restlessness in the mind and can be noticed in close association with samadhi (concentration) and upekkha (equanimity), the sixth and seventh of the Awakening Factors.


Awakening With Tranquility August 29 2018

During this talk, the Tranquility Awakening Factor was described as the result of the application of Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Concentration and Energy/Right Effort Awakening Factors.  The Pali term for this Factor is Passadhi Bojjhanga, and it so closely aligns with the Concentration Awakening Factor, Samadhi Bojjhanga, that Peter frequently refers to samadhi/passadhi as the foundation for vipassana practice.  Tranquility is not sedation, but rather the absence of turbulence in the internal flow of consciousness.  After the explanation, those attending discussed how to cultivate tranquility in daily life and the benefits of a serene lifestyle.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Awakening With Tranquility

Next week’s topic is the Concentration Awakening Factor.
