by Mary Ann | Mar 20, 2013 | Poems
by Robert Lockridge
You already understand.
Right in front of you
Your beard is gray
Your heart is hard.
What can you do?
Is there nothing that just appears?
Eyes ears nose tongue body mind
Blood bone and marrow —
none of these suggest anything?
Walk on the high places
Over the green sea
And look up at the deepness of the roiling sky.
Still nothing comes?
Feel your feet on the earth
And see if you can remember that.
Soon you will see clearly.
As chariot wheels spin bright spray
from the glittering strand,
You will dismount and slap the dripping haunch forward,
Forsaking the engine of despair,
And wander insanely like Yeat’s mad barbarian king
As the light of a thousand eyes
Sets fire to the universe.
by Mary Ann | Feb 11, 2013 | Poems
by Robert Lockridge
Like a graveyard where flickering shades of risen phantoms
Are reflected in the polished tombstones of dead lovers,
In the shallows of the heart swarm schools of silver fishes,
Their shimmering scales reflecting
night’s sinister illuminants
In pale imitation of true light.
Knuckles white against the oars,
A hunched and hooded specter
Plies its worn and rotted keel
Back and forth,
Back and forth,
Across black and furtive lakes,
Stopping to cast a tangled and torn net
And again
And again.
Above is the open sky,
Unobscured clarity and radiance.
Which one is true self?
Looking up,
The sun is bright and warm,
The air is cool.
by Mary Ann | Jan 20, 2013 | Poems
by Robert Lockridge
These things are said:
Sitting Upright
Still and silent
Is Buddha.
Bowing fully,
Head on earth,
Hands open,
Is Buddha.
Hearing rhythm – tok tok –
Full voice rising in melody,
Is Buddha.
Heart opening is Buddha.
Heartbeat in chest,
Rising to throat,
Pounding in ears
Is Buddha.
Mind manifesting
Wisdom and compassion
Is Buddha.
Brought to our knees
By desire
Is Buddha.
Hope is Buddha.
Solace is Buddha.
Fear and trembling are Buddha.
So, what is Buddha?
One eminent teacher said,
“Shit on a stick.”
Another responded,
“Three pounds of flax.”
How is this helpful?
If great teachers differ,
How can we know?
Dryer hums in the laundry room ,
Cat purrs on lap.
by Mary Ann | Jan 10, 2013 | Study Resources
On Saturday, January 19th, Judy and Tommy are starting the Satipatthāna book club with a potluck lunch @ Tommy’s house beginning 11:00. This potluck is open to anyone interested in learning more about the Satipatthāna, known as the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Please free to come and see if this is something you’d like to learn more about and enjoy some wonderful vegetarian home cooked meals. Here are more details about the book club. Please Tommy Harrisonr if you’re interested or call @ (407) 790-0710.
by Mary Ann | Dec 23, 2012 | Compassionate Action
Ann Curry has an idea of what we could do–and thousands of people worldwide have already participated.
“Newtown’s heartbreak has a lot of us asking, ‘What can I do?’ Thinking about this, Ann Curry took to social media and asked people to imagine what would happen if all of us committed to 26 acts of kindness to honor each life lost in Newtown.” 26 Acts Facebook Community