Faith In Buddhism

During this talk, Lili describes the progressions of faith that can be cultivated within Buddhism: Bright Faith, Verified Faith, and Abiding or Unwavering Faith.  Faith is also the antidote for doubt.  Her comments are followed by comments provided by those participating that describe their experience of faith.

Here are the notes she prepared for this talk:  FAITH IN BUDDHISM


Right Intention Review

During this talk, Allie Vaknin shares her research on a basic element of Buddhist doctrine, Right Intention.  Part of the presentation involves questions and insights about this important part of the Noble Eightfold Path provided by those participating in the meeting.


Reviewing Mindfulness, Investigation, and Right Effort

This talk presented by Peter is intended to provide information regarding three very important mental “skill sets” that are necessary for developing effective mindfulness meditation practice.  First, defining characteristics of each mind-conditioning function are reviewed, followed by suggestions for integrating their combined effects.  There is a guided “Contemplating Mindfulness, Investigation, and Right Effort” meditation preceding this talk, which was recorded and posted in the Audio folder, under Guided Meditations.  It is intended to provide a practice mode to accompany this conceptual presentation.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Mindfulness Investigation and Right Effort


Contemplating Mindfulness, Investigation, and Right Effort

This guided meditation provides opportunities to become more clearly aware of three important mind-conditioning functions and how to cultivate their functioning, which provides the basis for experiencing high degrees of mental clarity and stability, benefiting the practice of vipassana, insight meditation.  The coordinated and integrated effects of these three factors will be reviewed during a talk occurring just after this meditation training exercise, recorded and posted as “Reviewing Mindfulness, Investigation, and Right Effort”.


Open Questions August 2024

Peter has decided to open one meeting each month to discussion in response to any questions or observations by the participants at that meeting, focusing on Dharma and practice oriented issues.  Questions and comments focused on the importance that the practice of mindfulness of feelings, along with the role of concentration in the practice of vipassana, insight into the conditioned nature of experience.  Peter shared some insights he experienced on a retreat that revealed the moment-by-moment arising and passing away of mental phenomena, and the powerful impact it has had on his dedication to daily, diligent mindfulness of breathing meditation.

