Dhamma Talks

Andy Quinn’s 1 Month Retreat Review

There is great benefit in providing opportunities for those recently completing a significant retreat to "think out loud" about the experience, as this "connects the dots" regarding the experience to support integrating the insights and skills acquired during the...

Mindfulness And Physical Health

This talk completes a series beginning February 16, 2022, which was titled "How Do You Want To Live?", that encourages reevaluating lifestyle choices in response to the significant changes created by the pandemic, ecological disruption and other emerging disruptions...

Practicing Right Relationship

This talk continues the series entitled "How Do You Want to Live?", which began February 17, 2022.  "Right Relationship" is not a true Buddhist conceptual category, but is applicable to our lived experience.  At the beginning of the talk, a quote from the Suttas...

Practicing Environmental Right Action

This continues a series of Dharma talks focused on the theme "How Do You Want to Live?", which began February 17, 2022.  Using the concepts included in the Four Noble Truths, the discussion provides information describing the emerging world environmental crisis as an...

Mindful Coping With Consumerism

With apologies to the quality of the recording, this talk is one of a series which continues to address the theme "How Do You Want to Live?", which was introduced during the Dharma talk on February 16, 2022 and is found in the archives.  There is a review of the...

Buddhism and Addiction

In this talk, part of the series "How Do You Want To Live?", the focus is on how prevalent addiction is in American culture, especially if "behavioral addictions" involving the internet, gambling, overeating, etc., are included.  During the talk, the correlation...

How Do You Want To Live?

This talk focuses on the challenges we face as we are affected by the pandemic, disrupted weather patterns due to global warming and the cultural conflicts of this era, and how Buddhist principles and practices can be an effective coping strategy.  Peter focuses...

Celebrating The Happiness of Others

This talk reviews the concepts and practices associated with cultivating Mudita, translated as Sympathetic Joy, one of the four Divine Abidings.  Mudita is the empathetic cognitive and emotional response shaped by lovingkindness which celebrates the success and...

Guided Sympathetic Joy Contemplation

This guided meditation focuses attention the cultivation of empathetic joy, which supports and celebrates the success and happiness of another sentient being.  This experience is most often related to the joy of another human, but can also be experienced regarding...