Dhamma Talks

Guided Identifying Dukkha Meditation

This training meditation is intended to support the posted talk entitled "The Universal Unwholesome Cetasikas", and is meant to enhance the ability to investigate conditions in the mind that represent the presence and operation of the first four of the Unwholesome...

Guided Equanimity Contemplation

This guided meditation focuses on cultivating upekkha (ooh-peh-kah), equanimity regarding one's subjective experience.  This quality of consciousness is frequently identified in Buddhist teachings: one of the Seven Awakening Factors, one of the Four Diving Abidings,...

Guided Non-Self Contemplation

This guided meditation focuses on identifying the subjective characteristics of anatta (ah-nah-tah), the absence of an enduring, autonomous self.  Anatta is the third of the Three Characteristics: Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.  During the meditation attention is first...