Dhamma Talks

Guided Equanimity Contemplation

This guided meditation focuses on cultivating upekkha (ooh-peh-kah), equanimity regarding one's subjective experience.  This quality of consciousness is frequently identified in Buddhist teachings: one of the Seven Awakening Factors, one of the Four Diving Abidings,...

Guided Non-Self Contemplation

This guided meditation focuses on identifying the subjective characteristics of anatta (ah-nah-tah), the absence of an enduring, autonomous self.  Anatta is the third of the Three Characteristics: Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.  During the meditation attention is first...

Guided Lovingkindness Meditation

This is an introductory training for using this lovingkindness mantra as a foundation for cultivating kindness in one's heart and projecting this characteristic out to the world: May I be safe, May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be content.  May I love myself...

Awakening With Tranquility July 8, 2020

This talk reviews passadhi bojjhanga (pah-sah-dee bow-jahn-gah), the Tranquility Awakening Factor.  This factor is closely cooperative with the remaining two Awakening Factors, Concentration and Equanimity.  Tranquility is an antidote for the hindrance of restlessness...