Dhamma Talks
Overview Of The Mind Conditioners July 30, 2020
This is the first of a series of talks that explore the 52 cetasikas (cheh-tah-see-kahs), categories of factors that condition the self-formation process. The talk reviews the several sub-categories of these factors: Universal, Particular, Unwholesome and Wholesome. ...
Guided Cultivating A Stable Mind Meditation
This training applies some basic approaches to stabilizing attention and cultivating tranquility as a foundation for investigating how the mind fabricates a sense of self. The intention of the training is to support the Dharma talk posted on July 30, 2020 that is an...
Understanding Equanimity July 22, 2020
This discussion reviews the characteristics of upekkha (ooh-peh-kah), the seventh Awakening Factor, translated as equanimity regarding one's state of consciousness. Upekkha is also considered as one of the Four Divine Abidings (lovingkindness, compassion and...
Guided Equanimity Contemplation
This guided meditation focuses on cultivating upekkha (ooh-peh-kah), equanimity regarding one's subjective experience. This quality of consciousness is frequently identified in Buddhist teachings: one of the Seven Awakening Factors, one of the Four Diving Abidings,...
Guided Non-Self Contemplation
This guided meditation focuses on identifying the subjective characteristics of anatta (ah-nah-tah), the absence of an enduring, autonomous self. Anatta is the third of the Three Characteristics: Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta. During the meditation attention is first...
Understanding The Concentration Awakening Factor July 15, 2020
This talk focuses on the sixth of the seven Awakening Factors, the Concentration Awakening Factor. Peter reviews the cultivation of several stages of concentration ascending from the momentary unification of factors in the mind to the extraordinary levels of...
Guided Meditation For Cultivating Concentration
This guided meditation is intended to support the talk entitled "Understanding The Concentration Awakening Factor", posted July 17, 2020. Even though the focus of attention is primarily on the breath, meditators are invited to also investigate the quality of...
Guided Lovingkindness Meditation
This is an introductory training for using this lovingkindness mantra as a foundation for cultivating kindness in one's heart and projecting this characteristic out to the world: May I be safe, May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be content. May I love myself...
Guided Introduction To Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation
This 30 minute meditation provides basic training for practicing mindfulness of breathing meditation. Here are the notes that explain the practice of mindfulness of breathing meditation: MINDFULNESS OF BREATHING MEDITATION
Awakening With Tranquility July 8, 2020
This talk reviews passadhi bojjhanga (pah-sah-dee bow-jahn-gah), the Tranquility Awakening Factor. This factor is closely cooperative with the remaining two Awakening Factors, Concentration and Equanimity. Tranquility is an antidote for the hindrance of restlessness...