Dhamma Talks
Guided Identifying Dukkha Meditation
This training meditation is intended to support the posted talk entitled "The Universal Unwholesome Cetasikas", and is meant to enhance the ability to investigate conditions in the mind that represent the presence and operation of the first four of the Unwholesome...
Guided Universal Mind Conditioners Meditation
This meditation is meant to accompany the August 5, 2020 talk that reviews the Universal Mind Conditioners. Suggestions are provided during the meditation to support increasing and direct awareness of the mind conditioners that participate in the fabrication in every...
Reviewing The Universal Mind Conditioners August 5, 2020
This talk reviews the first 7 of the 52 categories of mind conditioners called the cetasikas, part of Buddhist Abhidhamma (higher teachings). They are feeling, perception, contact, volition, concentration, vitality and attention. These factors in the self-formation...
Occasional Cetasikas Review August 12, 2020
This talk reviews the section of the cetasikas (categories of mind conditioning factors) that are termed "occasional" or "particular", in that they may or may not accompany other mind conditioning factors in the transient formation of a self. As with the preceding...
Guided Aiming And Sustaining Attention Meditation
This training meditation reviews the fundamental application of attention called vitakka and its accompanying mind conditioning factor vicara, which maintains focused attention. The practice involves intentionally aiming attention at the beginning of the in-breath...
Overview Of The Mind Conditioners July 30, 2020
This is the first of a series of talks that explore the 52 cetasikas (cheh-tah-see-kahs), categories of factors that condition the self-formation process. The talk reviews the several sub-categories of these factors: Universal, Particular, Unwholesome and Wholesome. ...
Guided Cultivating A Stable Mind Meditation
This training applies some basic approaches to stabilizing attention and cultivating tranquility as a foundation for investigating how the mind fabricates a sense of self. The intention of the training is to support the Dharma talk posted on July 30, 2020 that is an...
Understanding Equanimity July 22, 2020
This discussion reviews the characteristics of upekkha (ooh-peh-kah), the seventh Awakening Factor, translated as equanimity regarding one's state of consciousness. Upekkha is also considered as one of the Four Divine Abidings (lovingkindness, compassion and...
Guided Equanimity Contemplation
This guided meditation focuses on cultivating upekkha (ooh-peh-kah), equanimity regarding one's subjective experience. This quality of consciousness is frequently identified in Buddhist teachings: one of the Seven Awakening Factors, one of the Four Diving Abidings,...
Guided Non-Self Contemplation
This guided meditation focuses on identifying the subjective characteristics of anatta (ah-nah-tah), the absence of an enduring, autonomous self. Anatta is the third of the Three Characteristics: Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta. During the meditation attention is first...