Dhamma Talks
Open Questions August 2024
Peter has decided to open one meeting each month to discussion in response to any questions or observations by the participants at that meeting, focusing on Dharma and practice oriented issues. Questions and comments focused on the importance that the practice of...
Cultivating Sympathetic Joy With Equanimity
Sympathetic Joy is listed as the third of the Four Divine Abidings, and Equanimity is the fourth. During this talk, Peter reviews the characteristics of Sympathetic Joy as a celebration of another's success and happiness in an unselfish way. It represents the...
Contemplating Sympathetic Joy With Equanimity
Sympathetic Joy is one of the Four Divine Abidings, and this guided meditation provides instructions on how to integrate Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, and Right Effort to cultivate Equanimity, another of the Divine Abidings, which functions to bring...
Contemplating Compassion With Equanimity
This talk reviews the characteristics of compassion from a Buddhist perspective, including the "near enemy" and "far enemy" of this manifestation of lovingkindness which is focused on relieving the mind from distress and confusion. Compassion is described as the...
Guided Compassion With Equanimity Contemplation
This guided meditation provides support for identifying the characteristics of compassion as well as the "near enemy" and "far enemy" of this wholesome state of mind. The training also suggests how to use mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena, and Right...
Integrating Equanimity With Mindfulness
During this talk, Peter reviews the characteristics of lovingkindness, one of the Four Divine Abidings within Buddhist doctrine. When lovingkindness is not clearly understood, one's experience becomes contaminated by what are called either the "near enemy" or "far...
Integrating Lovingkindness With Equanimity
This guided meditation provides the opportunity to monitor the cultivation of lovingkindness with equanimity, avoiding what are called the "near enemy" or "far enemy", mental dysfunctions that interfere with the flow of benevolent intention. This integrative process...
Eightfold Path To Tenfold Path
During this talk, Allie reviews the elements of the Noble Eightfold Path and then describes the transition of Right Understanding to Right Knowledge and Right Intention to Right Release, in effect changing the Eightfold Path to the Tenfold Path. Her comments are...
July 24, 2024 Questions About Your Practice
During this talk, participants got feedback from Peter regarding their meditation practice and understanding regarding Buddhist concepts. Peter intends to provide opportunities for these reviews on a monthly basis in the future.
Guided Introduction to Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation
This guided meditation was created to provide an introduction regarding basic mindfulness of breathing practice for a new meditation student during the meeting of July 24, 2024.