Dhamma Talks

The Five Aggregates And Emptiness

The concept of emptiness (sunnata in Pali) is a core aspect of the Buddhist Awakening process.  This is the first of two discussions of emptiness, with the focus on how the operation of the Five Aggregates, Form, Feeling, Perception, Mental Formations and...

Coordinating The Paramis

This talk summarizes the process of perfecting those qualities of mind called Paramis.  During the talk, Peter reviewed the sambojjhanga, the seven awakening factors to describe how their increasing effectiveness overcomes any deficits in the functioning of the...

Franciscan Retreat Report

As is customary, this talk reviewed the weekend retreat at the Franciscan Center in Tampa.  It is beneficial to "think out loud" about one's retreat experience among folks who may have participated in a retreat or may contemplate going on retreat.  The verbalizing...

The Benefits Of Perfecting Equanimity

This talk explores the 10th Parami, upekkha, typically translated as equanimity, or neutrality.  Peter describes an additional Buddhist term that applies to this Parami, tatramajjhattata, typically translated as "that quality of mind that is balanced in the middle". ...

Brian’s Retreat Review

As is our custom, one of the sangha members, Brian Tamm, talked about two recent retreat experiences: a 10 day retreat in the manner taught be S. N. Goenka, followed by a weekend retreat in the Korean Zen tradition.  He described the daily practice schedules followed...

The Benefits Of Perfecting Patience

Patience is the ability to train the mind to be non-reactive enough over a period of time for effective, mindful investigation to function well.  Most often, impatience is driven by urgency and attachment to an expected outcome, and is experienced as reactive...