Dhamma Talks
2016 Thanksgiving and Gratitude
It is customary for the Orlando Insight Meditation Group participants to reflect on the benefits of life revealed by practicing the Noble Eightfold Path, as our weekly meetings occur on Thanksgiving Eve. This discussion has periods of reflective quiet time...
The Seven Factors for Awakening
During this talk, Peter described overcoming the five hindrances as "warding off the demons"; cultivating the Seven Factors For Awakening represents "feeding the angels" of liberating awareness. Each of the seven was described and explained as to their function in...
The Dharma and the 2016 Election
The conclusion of the long and arduous 2016 election cycle was surprising, perhaps even alarming for many people. During the course of spiritual development, it is often the abrupt, unexpected event that can provide the greatest insights beneficial for maturing one's...
Six Pairs Of Wholesome Mind Conditioners
Continuing the exploration of the Wholesome Mind Conditioners that began with last week's posting "The Universal Wholesome Mind Conditioners", the twelve following cetasikas were listed as cooperative pairs--cetasikas, reflected in the mind: Tranquility of cetasikas...
Universal Wholesome Cetasikas
During this talk, Peter describes the categories of mind-conditioning functions called cetasikas that are always operating when the mind is free from dukkha, that is, unburdened from the distress and confusion caused by craving and clinging. The descriptions...
Unwholesome Conditioners And Five Hindrances
This talk summarizes the interactions of the unwholesome cetasikas, the categories whose function manifests as confusion and distress (dukkha). The five hindrances were described in terms of the cetasikas involved, including the "ethically malleable" conditioners...
Universal Unwholesome Mind Conditioners
This week's talk describes the first 8 unwholesome cetasikas. The first 4, ignorance/delusion, shamelessness/absence of conscience, recklessness/heedlessness and restlessness/mental agitation. They function cooperatively to shape every self-state organization. the...
2016 Franciscan Retreat Review
During this talk, several people who participated in the annual weekend residential retreat at the Franciscan Center in Tampa reviewed their experience during and after the retreat. It is hoped that the opportunity to "think out loud" about the experience, perhaps...
Occasional Mind Conditioners
During this talk, the exploration of the 52 cetasikas, categories that condition how the mind creates a self continues. The focus is the Universal Cetasikas, that is mind conditioning categories that occasionally coordinate with the Universal Cetasikas. These...
Universal Mind Conditioners
This talk continues to explore the functioning of the cetasikas, the categories of factors that condition the mind. The focus this week in on the "Universal Cetasikas", that is, the cetasikas that cooperate in the formation of a self in every moment of consciousness:...